
From Seal to Seal

Daniel had to be counting his blessings. After being carried away from his homeland as a teenager, he had survived two kings and their visions and dreams. Now the third king, Darius the Mede, who had no loyalty or familiarity with Daniel had made him one of three supervisors over the whole kingdom.

From Pole to Pole

So far in our journey on the Road to Redemption, we’ve seen the picture of Jesus in the passover lamb. We’ve seen him battle against the temptations of Satan and fulfill the promise God made in the Garden of Eden.

King to King

I think that I’d always gotten the impression that it was sinful for the Israelites to ask for a king. We certainly get that impression from 1 Samuel chapter 8.

Lenten Services

Check out our plan for Lenten services this year.

Lent Service Series

Jesus of Nazareth is Passing By is our theme for our Wednesday Lent Services.

The season of Lent rightly focusing our attention on Jesus. During these Wednesdays, we will be looking at Jesus of Nazareth Passing By.  We will focus on some of the last contacts people had with the Savior and how they used these opportunities.