The ACTS Prayer

There is much to pray about these days. And yet there are times we find it hard to put together a prayer.

Worshipping through Holy Week

Why do we have extra church services during Holy Week? What is their purpose? And what insight can we teach our children about the different services?

Ashes on Ash Wednesday: The Why and the How

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the Christian’s 40-day journey with the Lord to the cross and tomb, preparing for the proclamation of Easter. The 40 days are reminiscent of several biblical events: Jesus’ 40-day fast at the beginning of this ministry, Moses’ stay on Mount Sinai at the giving of the Law, and Elijah’s fast on his way to the mountain of God.

Turn on the Light!

Most of you know that I’m not a fan of winter. I’m actually enjoying the mild winter we’re having so far. But I know what’s coming.

Through the Looking Glass

I’m guessing that most of you have heard of Alice in Wonderland. But did you know there was a sequel to that story?

Confidently Sharing Jesus with Friends: Keep on Sharing Jesus

The relationships that you have with people are wonderful settings for sharing your faith. Think of the advantages.

Confidently Sharing Jesus with Friends

Does this sound like you?

“I feel guilty about not making a better effort at sharing my faith. I get so nervous because I am not sure what to say.

Proverbs Part 5: Agur, Lemuel, and the Wife of Noble Character

After you pass the Archive of Wisdom, chapters10-29, you enter the final two rooms of book of Proverbs: the writings of Agur in chapters 30 and King Lemuel in chapter 31.

Proverbs Part 4: More Gems from the Archive

We continue our look at the book of Proverbs with more gems from Wisdom’s Archive, sampling just a few pearls from chapters 10-29.