A God-Lived Life: A Life of Being a Disciple
For the next year here at Eastside, we’ll be challenging one another to live a God-lived life. That encompasses everything. We will be talking about a life of being a disciple, a life lived for others, a life lived shrewdly, and a life of hospitality.
Each quarter, we will be introduced to a challenge that we then prayerfully commit to carrying out the rest of the quarter. These challenges ask us to commit to acting on the encouragements to put the Word into practice.
How will we commit to the challenges? As individual members, we are going to fill out a different challenge card each quarter. This will help to involve our entire family of faith in the challenges and help us encourage each other in the challenges. Challenge cards will be available at church. If you are willing, we’d love for you to share a copy or a picture of your challenge card with us. This will help us to see where people are challenging themselves and help us to encourage our entire congregation to carry out their challenges!
For more information or to join us in this challenge online, email churchoffice@eastsidelutheran.org!