Eagle Connection 5/11/20-5/17/20
Principal’s Perspective – A devotional Message
We Belong
It is week seven of distance learning. It is another week of following the safer-at-home orders and maintaining social distancing. These things can definitely give us feelings of loneliness and isolationism. In some ways maybe we feel like an orphan.
Today’s verse is from John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” The word orphan is not one we hear of a lot in today’s society. If you have ever seen Annie (old or new version), you know she was an orphan longing for a family and to be loved. In the end she ends up with a family and experiences the joy that having a family brings.
No matter the times or circumstances, God has promised to be with us. God has promised to love us and provide the things we need. God is always there for us. Our sinful nature will want to question God and ask why all this stuff with covid-19 is occurring. Our sinful nature wants us to see the negatives and not focus on God. God tells us in these words, “I will come to you.” Continue to put your faith and trust in our Lord and Savior who has a plan for us all.
Principal’s Perspective
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Today I am just going to say thank you for working with your children as the teachers can only work from a distance. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for being Christian parents sharing the love of God with your children. Thank you and God bless you!
End of the Year Dropoff / Pickup
On Friday May 22 from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm will be the time when school items can be dropped off and items for home can be picked up. This will be done as curbside style. Please drive up to the main school entrance to make the exchange. Here is a list of things to be dropped off and items that will be picked up.
Please return items in a crate if you were given one or a bag / container to minimize handling of materials. Thank you!
Drop off items:
1. Textbooks
2. Crates (If a crate was given.)
3. Jr. Choir shirts
4. Chromebooks
5. Classroom materials/manipulatives (The teachers will let you know what you need to return.)
Pick up items:
1. Report cards
2. Yearbooks
3. Honor roll certificates
4. Personal items
5. Locker room items (Please contact Mr. Rank if your child has items in the locker room.)
Please note all accounts must be paid in order to receive the final report cards.
Graduation / Closing Service
We will have our graduation / closing service recorded and shared on Thursday May 21.
This Friday was our scheduled EJO Day. While we cannot give you our normal EJO Day, we will be encouraging families to eat healthy and have some physical activity on Friday May 15. There will be no school work on Friday. We have two documents below that can give you ideas and options for your EJO Day. These are just suggestions and options. Stay active. Stay healthy. Have fun!
Summer Childcare
There will be no summer childcare offered this summer due to Covid19. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Scharrer or Mr. Rank.
Scrip Tuition Credits
Scrip tuition credits for the 2020-2021 school year will come to a close on May 31st. Orders placed after May 31st will go towards tuition for the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for using Scrip!