The Path to Heaven: Reconciliation Road
Today, we get to explore one of the best pictures of lived faith in perhaps the entire Bible. In Philemon, our reconciliation in Christ is applied concretely to a human relationship.
Today, we get to explore one of the best pictures of lived faith in perhaps the entire Bible. In Philemon, our reconciliation in Christ is applied concretely to a human relationship.
It’s amazing how a single word in English can mean so many different things! Take the word “football” for example. In one context it can refer to an oblong ball with helmets and touchdowns and in another, a round ball with goals.
It’s said that a pastor’s job in preaching is both to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Where are you this morning? Do you need to be afflicted or comforted?
It seems everyone today has been impacted by cancer. Now that may seem like an exaggeration, but maybe only slightly.
Are you publicly committed, but inwardly distant? Have you been keeping up a good reputation, but not considering your character, the inner integrity of your faith?
Turn of the century author, Ambrose Bierce said, “Money is the chief god of America’s leading religion.” Do you think he was right? Others would argue that the driving force in our country is not freedom, but greed. Are they right?
“Ask and you shall receive.” That’s what Jesus said, right? Then why do prayers go unanswered? In the midst of not knowing, we say “Lord, Teach Us to Pray.”
What pops into your mind when you hear the term, “worship service?” Probably multiple things. Perhaps it’s the hymns we sing? Maybe it’s the sermon or the lessons? Maybe it’s the prayers? Perhaps it’s the Lord’s Supper?
Today we take off the blindfold to see God’s loving justice as he commands us to care for souls in need.
There is an old Jewish legend that before the temple in Jerusalem was built, two brothers lived and farmed on that site right next to each other. One was married and had a large family and the other was single.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704