Do you want to hear God speak? Have you ever said in a moment of frustration, “God, can you just give me a sign? Anything? Petersen Petersen2022-12-25 09:00:002023-01-02 11:20:54God’s Final Word
On a Christmas Eve, not too long ago, a young woman named Jane lay dying. Her kidneys were failing. Dialysis was no longer helping. Petersen Petersen2022-12-24 06:41:002022-12-27 06:45:10A Savior is Born to Change the World
If you ever want to see a group of people who need encouragement in gratitude, just go find people who are waiting. Petersen Petersen2022-12-14 15:30:002022-12-14 12:16:25Wait upon the LORD with Gratitude!
Muhammed Ali loved to talk. He loved to try and intimidate his opponents before they even got in the ring with him. Petersen Petersen2022-12-11 08:00:002022-12-09 08:47:13Am I the Smallest?
Psalm 33 is a beautiful psalm that encourages us to find our joy in the LORD. It surveys God’s love in creation and his rule over history, and both begins and ends with joy. Petersen Petersen2022-12-07 15:30:002022-12-07 12:31:49Wait Upon the Lord with Joy!
What’s your favorite picture of Jesus? Jesus as a shepherd, holding a lamb? Jesus as a baby at Christmas? Petersen Petersen2022-12-04 09:23:002022-12-05 09:26:53Come, Lord Jesus, as Judge!
It’s amazing how the same word can mean different things depending on the context. Take the word “fire” for example. It can refer to a flame that emits heat and can burn. Petersen Petersen2022-11-30 15:30:002022-11-30 10:25:48Wait Upon the Lord–in Hope
The theme for our school year this year is “It’s all about Jesus.” Everything that we do in our school here at Eastside leads back to that truth. Petersen Petersen2022-11-27 12:06:002022-11-28 12:08:54Come, Lord Jesus
The other day I found myself sitting second in line at a red light. And as soon as the light turned from red to green, I expected the car ahead of me to get going, but it didn’t move. Petersen Petersen2022-11-23 10:26:162022-11-23 10:26:27How Great You Are, Sovereign Lord!
The city of Thessalonica is booming. Right in the heart of the Roman Empire, the population has swelled to well over 200,000. The Egnatian Way, the main road that connects Rome to the Eastern part of her empire, serves as Main Street. Petersen Petersen2022-11-13 08:00:002022-11-09 14:35:41God’s Justice Will Be Served