Are You Really On the LORD’s Side?

Are you really on the LORD’s side? Isn’t that a ridiculous question for a group of believers gathered for worship? Isn’t that a ridiculous question for you? There is certainly evidence that you are. You’ve been baptized into God’s family.

O Lord, Thank You for Persuading Us!

Perhaps some of you have received an email similar to this one: Dear in Christ, I am Mrs. Sandra Wills an aging widow suffering from long time illness. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of $9,400,000.

What does Jesus see?

Moving to Madison almost 2 years ago was certainly an adjustment. Some things were easy to get used to. I certainly don’t mind the 5 minute trip to Menards when compared to the 45 minutes it used to take.

The Trinity is Central to Our Faith and Ministry!

It’s confession time. How many of you groaned when you saw that it was Trinity Sunday today? How many of you groaned when you leafed through the bulletin and saw that we’d be reciting the Athanasian Creed?

It’s Harvest Time!

As part of his master plan, God chose Abraham and his descendants to be his chosen people. They would be the people through whom he would send his Son Jesus to be the Savior of the world.

Living Free of Guilt!

Does the name Vinko Bogataj mean anything to you? I’m guessing that it doesn’t. And that’s fine. His is not a name that easily rolls off the tongue nor has he been in any kind of public arena for more than 40 years.

An Abundant Life with the Door

Back in 1963, Let’s Make a Deal debuted on American Television. Audience members would dress up in fantastic costumes, hoping that Monty Hall would choose them to be the trader. Hall would present them with a deal.

Easter Means…No Fear of Poverty

On June 23, 1910, John Mott delivered the closing address of the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh. The Conference marked the beginning of what is known as the ecumenical movement—where churches of different beliefs work together to spread the gospel.

Turn to Jesus for Resurrection and Life

You expect highways to be jammed during rush hour. You expect to find hamburgers at McDonalds. You expect spring to follow winter. You came to church this morning expecting to smell the fragrance of flowers. And you do.

He and He Alone Finished Your Salvation

We yearn for the finish lines of life! When we are young, we want to be done growing up. After dating for several years, a young couple desperately looks forward to that day when they hear, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”