What Are You Afraid Of?

Here we go again! Might that thought have flitted across your mind? Two weeks in a row now with another “foolish Peter” story.

The Pursuit of Happiness: An Eternal Perspective

What if there were more to life than just being happy? What if Jesus asked you to stop pursuing happiness and to follow him on a different path? Which road would you choose? Message based on Matthew 16:21-26.

What About You?

“What about you? Who do you say that I am?” Brothers and sisters in Christ, it’s not just the disciples in Caesarea Philippi that are facing that question today. You and I are faced with it as well. So what about you?

A Faithful “Dog” Proves Christian Multiculturalism

The church is meant for all people and cannot let prejudice thrive among its members. That’s why, today, we are going to study Matthew 15:21-28, which demonstrates the truth of Christian multiculturalism.

Our Good Shepherd

Take a moment right now, and think about how many decisions you have to make each day. Think about what clothes you put on this morning.

When God Asks for Too Much

You don’t need to be able to handle everything to live a joyful, contented life. And we find out why today as we look at the Feeding of the 5,000 in Matthew 14, where Jesus tells his disciples and us exactly what to do when God asks for too much.

Can You Imagine?

Once upon a time, there were three friends who ended up stranded on a deserted island. They tried and tried to find a way off the island, but to no avail.

We Are Wheat Among the Weeds

In A.D. 1095, following the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II gave a call to all Christians throughout Europe to reclaim the Holy Land, and especially Jerusalem, from the Muslims.

Planted by the Word

God bless our contemplation of the comparison between the different types of ground in this parable and how we hear the Word that is planted in us.

Rest in the Rock of Ages

On Instagram a while back someone posted a picture of a young man who had just broken up with his girlfriend while they were sitting next to each other on an airplane.