When a Sword Pierces Your Soul

It seems like humans can’t quite find the words to express suffering. We always reach for a metaphor. How about Simeon’s surprising words to Mary from our Gospel lesson? “A sword will pierce your own soul too.”

He Came and Became Flesh

It’s like a well written story. It comes full circle. “In the beginning was the Word…and the Word became flesh.”

A Real Savior for a Real World

God didn’t send us his Son so that we could dress him up and forget about the real world. He sent him to save the world, to save you and me from real problems and real fears. Jesus is a real Savior for a real world.

Relax and Receive

Are you tired yet? Are you tired of standing in long lines? Are you tired of running from this party and that event?

The Sun of Righteousness Will Rise

The nights are longer, the weather is colder, and light is scarce. Welcome to winter. Some say it’s the most wonderful time of the year while others feel a form of December depression.

Christmas Checklist: Look at the Light

As followers of Christ, as people who desire for him to be made much of in everything that we do, we need to hear John’s testimony this morning. For as he speaks you’ll realize he doesn’t say, “Look at me.” but “Look at the Light.”

Christmas Checklist: Listen to the Messengers

Sometime, silence is the best way to get someone’s attention. It had been more than 400 years since God had spoken to his people through his prophets.

Judah’s Rightful King

“Gather round,” he said, “that I may tell you what will happen in the days to come.” Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, the one who wrestled with God, the father of the twelve tribes, Israel himself, was dying.

Christmas Checklist: Follow the Directions

I don’t know if it’s a product of laziness or rebellion or a fierce desire to be independent or simply a longing just to get things done as quickly as possible. Whatever the case, we have a tendency not to follow directions.

Thankful Even in Prosperity

Why aren’t we as thankful during the good times? How does our extra wealth and security get in the way of our thankfulness? This Thanksgiving Moses gives us the answer.