A Control Complex and The Freedom of Dependence
The antidote for a control complex is learning the blessed freedom of dependence, the freedom found in trusting God’s control.
The antidote for a control complex is learning the blessed freedom of dependence, the freedom found in trusting God’s control.
I wonder what Festus did to deserve this? Of all the places in the Roman Empire to be made governor, this had to be the worst.
Earlier this week I did a very broad Google search. I searched, “Top ten most needed things.”
Four sermonettes based on a compilation of the Easter gospels. He has risen! Alleluia!
Blood and sacrifice are so removed from our normal experience. But when a conscience needs cleansing, a blood sacrifice is the only thing that will suffice.
Advertisers love to use words like “better,” or “new and improved,” to entice people into purchasing their products. The problem is that the promise doesn’t always pan out.
In the Bible, humility is something associated with glory and exaltation. In fact, humility leads to victory. Nothing demonstrates more clearly than the first Palm Sunday, 2000 years ago.
At the cross, in the cutting of the New Covenant in Jesus’ very blood, God’s love and law are reconciled and we belong to him.
Once upon a time, there lived an evil king. He ruled over the people for 55 years. Evil, perhaps, is too light of a word to describe him.
The Ten Commandments elicit varied responses, but each viewpoint boils down to either slavery or freedom. Which lens will you use?
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704