Everything in His
This morning we begin a 3-week stewardship series in which we seek to understand the joy of generosity. Today, we begin with a primary truth which undergirds the whole series: Everything is His.
This morning we begin a 3-week stewardship series in which we seek to understand the joy of generosity. Today, we begin with a primary truth which undergirds the whole series: Everything is His.
It was Tuesday of Holy Week. Jesus was in the temple courts, teaching the people. Everyone was trying to get a piece of him—some with good intentions, others vile.
It was the first day of 8th grade and Mrs. Seidl told us to line up for lunch. Some of the students, I may or may not have been involved, began crowding around the door to get in the front of the line…
It happens to all of us. We fail a test. We don’t get the girl or guy. We drop the ball, lose a job, or lose a significant amount of money. At some point, we all lose.
A few years ago, I was asked to meet with a young man who was struggling with depression after catechism class. We talked about his latest doctor’s visit, and the effects of the new dosage he had been prescribed…
What do you think is the biggest threat to our country today? Not surprising, there are many opinions on that topic.
Today we continue to look at Gospel Unity, specifically the union of a husband and wife in Christian marriage. We have a well-known portion of Ephesians 5 before us which, frankly, has often been abused…
Have you ever had just one of those weeks where everything seems to go wrong? The car breaks down. The fridge goes out. An unexpected medical expense shows up.
I recently came across a feature from Reader’s Digest called, “10 Inspiring Stories of Extreme Forgiveness.” The stories ranged from families of murder victims to culture clashes in war-torn Rwanda to fatal car accidents to abuse victims.
I noticed him right when I walked in. Perfectly polished shoes, the shiny silver watch, a pinstripe suit nicer than the one I wore to my own wedding. Everything, from his tie chain to his chrome coffee cup…
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704