Jesus of Nazareth is Passing By: With Warning and With Comfort
This evening, in the upper room, we watch as Jesus of Nazareth is Passing By, passing by Judas Iscariot with one final opportunity of grace.
This evening, in the upper room, we watch as Jesus of Nazareth is Passing By, passing by Judas Iscariot with one final opportunity of grace.
It’s easier than we might think for people to know where we’ve been or what we’ve been doing. When the kid with chocolate smeared all across his face says…
Why couldn’t God have just made it easy? Why did he have to make this so difficult? Have you ever had that thought?
Does God have any practical words for us, faithful people with a wide array of salaries and situations, who wish to give in response to his love? Sermon based on 1 Corinthians 16:2.
“No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” Any guesses who spoke those words?
I wanted a piece. I really wanted one. When I was a kid, my mother was making some chocolate something or other from scratch…
“United we stand, divided we fall.” This phrase has been used by poets and revolutionaries, by Presidents and politicians. If you’ll recall, Jesus said something similar.
There once was a city located on a isthmus. This city a major center of business. It has a reputation for immorality. It has about 200,000 people.
One of my family’s favorite things to do in the warmer months of the year is to go camping. For us, there’s something peaceful and relaxing about being outside, sitting around the campfire. Something that usually accompanies us on our camping trips are fun things that glow in the dark.
“Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom his world rejoices, who from our mother’s arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love and still is ours today.”
If there’s any time of year that would be appropriate to recount the blessings we have received from our God, it would be on the very last day of the year.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704