Revealed: The Lamb Who Was Slain

I’m going to give you two questions to consider this morning. Number 1: Who or what is your biggest enemy? What is your biggest challenge, your biggest problem in life right now?

Revealed: The First and the Last

There can only be one champion. Only one person finishes first. Only one will be last one left standing. Only one.

We Have Hope.

On a cold January morning, against a bare wall at the top of the escalators, a man opened up his violin case and began to serenade a Washington, D.C. metro station.

What a Difference a Day Makes for Us!

You’ve all seen the commercials. Mournful, soulful music is playing in the background. Images of malnourished dogs and cats, underprivileged children flash across the screen. Why do we see those images? You know, don’t you?

He Stands at the Door and Knocks

Death is the great equalizer. When that moment arrives, it matters little whether you are rich or poor, prince or pauper, whether you live uptown or downtown, in a mansion or a dump, whether your skin is black or white or red or yellow. All are equal before the presence of death.

The Blood of the New Covenant

Tonight we look at the background of Holy Communion as Luke lets us inside the upper room to see and hear our Savior institute this sacrament…

Finish Strong

Have you ever heard of a man named Derek Redmond? Derek Redmond became the British 400-meter record-holder when he was only 19 years old.

Woe to the Pot?

The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve come to enjoy cooking. Some of it has come by necessity because of family schedules, but I do enjoy preparing meals for our family.

Scandalous Grace

For some, it is the gospel within the gospel, or even the most beautiful short story ever told. It has been painted by a host of artists, most notably Rembrandt, made the subject of plays, or provided the themes for plays, most notably Shakespeare.

Making Sense of the Senseless

People haven’t changed much over the two thousand years since the death and resurrection of Jesus. People, then, as now, avidly discuss the latest news of death and destruction…