The Doctrine of the Trinity

Doctrinal sermon on the Trinity focusing on the importance and blessing of knowing the true God as he has revealed himself in the Bible.

One Last Gift

I want you to imagine that we’ve gone back in time, all the way to 1925. The Pittsburgh Pirates had won the World Series. The Great Gastby was the must read novel. Ford had introduced its first truck. And as you opened up your Montgomery Ward catalogue, you saw an ad for a Victor Victrola Talking Machine, a phonograph which played records.

In-Person Worship Resumes

Information about in-person services at Eastside.

What Do You Sacrifice For?

In this time of the Coronavirus, much has been sacrificed in order to keep our hospitals from overflowing and flattening the curve. This weekend, specifically we honor the men and women…

Because We Love Jesus

I know that I’ve expressed this sentiment before, but English can be pretty confusing sometimes. We have another example of that today with a seemingly easy to understand word, “if.”

The LORD-he is God!

Elijah vs 450 prophets of Baal. Who will win? The LORD proves that he is the true God!

Victorious Over Despair

They were in shock. Complete and total disbelief. It didn’t seem real. Things had changed overnight. Everything they had been dreaming about was shattered. Their hope was dashed. What else could they do but go home.

A Lesson on Doubt

Doubting Thomas…It’s an unfortunate nickname. Because it wasn’t just Thomas, you know. Unbelief was the default reaction to Jesus’ resurrection.

It Doesn’t End Like This.

Easter sets before you the prospect of fearlessness in life as well as death. Let us trust in Jesus’ resurrection!

The Beauty of the Cross

John is incredibly restrained as he depicts the ugliness of the crucifixion. He is too focused on the beauty of his Savior’s love.