The Hidden Glory of Repentance

Of all the miracles recorded in the Bible, which one is the greatest? That’s kind of an unanswerable question, isn’t it? It’s like debating the greatest world leader of all time or the greatest invention of all time. There’s really not a right answer. Some could argue  the day when the sun “stood still,” others when Moses parted the Red Sea, still others the raising of Lazarus from the dead. We could keep listing miracles until the cows come home, but we’re never going to get a definitive answer. 

Speak, LORD, for Your Servant is Listening

Remember the love of Christ which has given you ears to hear. May we always respond like Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

God’s Baptismal Declaration

John was a busy man. Hundreds came every day to see him, to hear him, to be baptized by him. You can picture the scene, can’t you?

Weird & Wise

Committed Christians are weird to most, but wise in God’s eyes. Be weird & wise like the Magi who worshiped the King.

Did You Get What You Expected For Christmas?

It was happening already on Friday morning. The most popular question of the Christmas season was already making its appearance minutes after I walked through the door.

It’s Time to Celebrate: The King has Come!

So many things hold us back from joy, even on Christmas Day. God’s prophet Isaiah tells us that we cannot wait, we must celebrate for the King has come!

Exceeding Expectations

There’s something about the birth of a baby that is so exciting. Understatement of the year, I know, but hear me out.

Expect More Grace!

The beautiful truth, to which the Holy Spirit must continually recall our minds, is that when it comes to our God, we should always expect more grace!

Tentatio (Spiritual Trial)

Have you ever prayed against yourself? Think about that one for a moment. My guess is that you’re struggling to find an example. The truth is, you have.

Don’t Miss the Joy!