Contrary to Popular Belief: She’s Not Dead, She’s Sleeping

Desperation makes people do crazy things. When you’re at the end of your rope, when you’ve exhausted seemingly every other avenue, you’re willing to do just about anything.

Contrary to Popular Belief: God’s Got This!

Sometimes it seems like our God is sleeping, doesn’t it? But what is really the source of our fears? Dare to believe that God’s Got This.

Contrary to Popular Belief: This Is My Family

There are some topics that are sensitive to preach on. I think family is one of them. Because family is precious…

Contrary to Popular Belief: The Sabbath is For Man

The Pharisees and the experts in the Law thought they had it all figured out. Their relationship with God was as good as it could get, because they were following all the laws better than anyone else.

Holy, Holy, Holy

On this Holy Trinity Sunday we look at Isaiah’s vision and, specifically, God’s holiness…

What Should We Be Praying For: A Violent Breeze Or A Gentle Breath?

I’ve always wanted to go visit Europe. Now, I’m not terribly interested in foreign cuisine or culture.

Complete Love Overcomes Fear

A family had worked for weeks on a 1,000 piece puzzle. But just as they were putting the final pieces in, they realized a few were missing…

God’s Truth Overcomes False Prophets

“Will the real Jesus please stand up?” Perhaps that statement or question grabs your attention. I think it’s meant to do so.

God Overcomes Our Hearts

Is it just me, or does it seem like kids keep getting younger and younger every year? Logically, that could mean…

Children of God Overcome Ignorance

If you’re in the same general age bracket as I am, you undoubtedly remember playing with G.I. Joe’s. The army action figures were extremely popular when I was growing up. Not only did you have them as toys, they even had their own TV show.