“For You”

I was sorting through the mail the other day at home when I came across a letter covered in stickers. I called Willow over and when she came, I held it out and said, “This one is for you.”

His Humility, Our Hope

“A Holy Week” is the theme for this final week in Lent. And when you think about it, a holiday is really just shorthand for holy day. Holidays are days where things stop, where we pause and reflect, where we get our bearings.

Grace Personified

t’s been called many things. “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” The Parable of the Lost Son.” The Parable of the Two Lost Sons.” I understand why. The first son of the story seems to be the main character.

I AM with You

In recent years, it’s said we live in the Epidemic of loneliness. Blame individualism, globalization, technology, or anything else which undoubtedly has a part to play, but social isolation is one the rise.

Don’t Drift. Stand Firm!

I have fond memories of fishing with my Dad as a boy. I’m not sure we always caught fish, but we always had great snacks.

Unreasonable Compromise

A young man wants to stay out till midnight but his parents want him home at 10:00 pm. They end up agreeing on 10:30 pm. It’s called a compromise; both sides meet in the middle, make concessions, in order to come to an agreement.

Our Champion Gives Us Confidence

It was the 41st day in a row. Can you imagine? 41 days of having the biggest bully on the block come out and taunt you. 41 days of cowering in fear, in embarrassment, in shame.

I Will Keep the Passover

Back in 1977, Pastor William Lauterbach wrote a commentary on the events of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. It is called, “The Crucial Hours.” It’s the inspiration for our midweek services this year.

Uncovered: The Need for Transfiguration

We’ve reached the end of the season of Epiphany. Today, we’ll have one last look at what needs to be uncovered, only today it’s going to feel different.

Overcome Evil with Good

Jesus said it clearly to the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate right before his crucifixion: “My kingdom is not of this world.” He meant that in almost every sense.