Annual Meeting Devotional Recap

Author: Pastor Horton

Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:7-10 

What a difference a year makes!  As I write up this newsletter recap, one year ago to the day I was living in northern Michigan nervously preparing to propose to my now wife at a waterfall along the lakeshore.  What a year!  Christmas time and New Years so often gather us together with family.  We also gather as a church family where we once again rejoice over the Christ-child lying in a manger.  This time of year also gives us a chance to reflect and rejoice on the blessings now past, as well as look to the upcoming year of grace with our God. 

What a difference a year makes for Eastside Church & School!  We had an unusual amount of change when it came to our divinely called workers.  As we reflect, we thank God for the many gifts and friendships of those who left us, and say thank you to God for the new faces and abilities we now have at Eastside.  And a year from now?  If our Lord does not return in glory or call us home to heaven first, we could be blessed with even more inbound servants and we are excited to meet them and work alongside them in Jesus’ kingdom.  

There are also many things that do not change depending on the year.  Our God is one of them.  His gospel promises and his success rate in accomplishing his     promises do not change.  He continues, year in and year out, to give and to strengthen faith through his Means of Grace, coming to us and working in us through the Word and Sacrament.  His forgiveness remains real and personal in the Lord’s Supper.  His washing away sin and giving life remains real and personal in baptism – something we at Eastside have had the privilege to do this past year in abundance!

For all the change we have seen over this year, the need for servant ministry has not changed.  We have not gone into a barebones-ministry-mode during vacancy, but rather many of the members have looked for ways to contribute and help with kingdom work and special events.  Thanks to so many of you who regularly volunteer and help with the work while it is day.  Thank you for giving your time, talents, and treasures to the Lord.  Thank you for the prayers you offer up to the Great Shepherd as he cares for our flock here at Eastside.  Thank you for rejoicing in the opportunities to be in God’s house and in your moments in his Word at home.  It is encouraging to see that these things have not changed.

I don’t know what this next year holds for you and your family or for your church and school family.  I do know we have a God who promises and fulfills his Word without any change.  His will for us is always good and gracious.  We see that in Jesus, who promises to be with us and lead us to a heavenly home for an even greater family gathering than the ones we enjoy at this time of year.  Through the changing years, our God knows where we are at, what we are going through, and how best to help us.  Even if we reside on the shores of Lake Michigan or on the shores of Lakes Mendota or Monona, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”  Thank you, Lord Jesus!  And God bless your new year!

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