Not All Lions in the Bible are Bad!

“Judah is a lion’s cub ….the scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until the one to whom it belongs comes.  He will receive the obedience of the peoples.”  – Genesis 49:9a & 10

Not All Lions in the Bible are Bad!

When I was a young reader, I remember being captivated by the character of Aslan, a king in the C.S. Lewis book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  Aslan was a talking lion, known to be kind, wise, and noble.  He also, without giving the entire plot away, proved to be forgiving and humbly sacrificial to the undeserving.  He freed his followers of stone, gave them life, and brought them triumphant victory.  As I describe such a lion-leader, you may be picking up on the parallels to our Savior Jesus in the Bible.  C.S. Lewis, through storytelling, taught children about the saving work and characteristics of our God.  His book made an impression on me.  Maybe it did for you as well.

Moving from fiction to fact, we hear Jesus described as a lion throughout the inspired Scriptures.  In Bible times, much of the Middle Eastern world was familiar with the lions.  We find them in locations like Babylon where Daniel’s life was spared by God in the lions’ den.  They were often depicted as a regal symbol of the earthly king.  They gave the impression of might and authority.  How fitting for Jesus, the eternal King of kings, to be described in such a way!  The power, majesty, and wonder of his kingdom is never ending.  

Victory over our sin, death, and the devil are his as well!  Jesus was born in the tribe of Judah as foretold by Jacob.  Micah the prophet reminded God’s people that through Bethlehem, the town of David, in Judah, the scepter would remain for “the one who will be the ruler for me in Israel.  His goings forth are from the beginning, from the days of eternity.”   The book of Revelation, which pictures Jesus as the Lamb of God, worthy as our sacrifice for sin, also says this in chapter five, “Stop weeping.  Look!  The Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed and is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”  

Our life, both now and forever, remains under the capable control of Jesus.  He is on his throne.  The scepter is in his hand even today.  We can rejoice in the security he alone gives to us.  During the season of Lent, we find Jesus suffering and dying on a cross for our sins.  And keep watching!  Look as the Lion rises to rule and reign!  And watch for Jesus’ arrival on the day when all will hear him roar.  For on that day we will join him in heaven and spend eternity before the throne of our risen king Jesus, the lion of Judah.

Why Matthias?

Pastor Souksamay K. Phetsanghan

February 16, 202

Text: Acts 1:15, 21-26 (EHV)                        

Theme: Why Matthias?

Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come. – Rev. 1:4

Dear fellow Christians,

Do you remember Matthias, the apostle? If you don’t, don’t worry. There is a pretty good reason why you might not remember him. For you see, we know absolutely nothing else about him, except what we hear in Acts 1, today’s sermon text. That is literally it. We don’t know about his parents. We don’t know his hometown. We don’t have any words of his recorded in Scripture. We hear about how he is added to the number of apostles, and then he fades from Scripture and we never hear of him again. So then if you didn’t remember who Matthias was, you really can’t be blamed for it. But that is exactly what we will do today: remember Matthias. For February 24 is the day set aside in the Church to remember him. Today we will ask ourselves the question: why Matthias? That is: Why remember him? Why remember someone who has such a small role in Scripture?

Where we are in Scripture and in the life of the Church is shortly after Jesus ascended back to heaven. The 11 apostles, not 12, saw Jesus ascend back to heaven, and then they went back to Jerusalem to join with the other believers. Peter seems to be the natural leader of this group, for what do we hear in v.15? “In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty)” (v.15) So after Jesus has ascended into heaven, there are about 120 believers, they are all gathered together here in Acts, chapter 1. Among these 120 people are the 11 apostles, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ very own earthly half-brothers. Peter stands up among this group of 120 and says that someone needs to be added to the apostles to replace Judas, who betrayed Jesus, and then later killed himself. Their number of apostles needs to be 12 again. Or as Peter puts it in v. 21-22 …

Therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus was living among us, beginning from John’s baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection.” (v.21-22) To be added to the apostles, Peter lays out the criteria for what they want in an apostle. The first criteria: it has to be a guy who has been with the believers the whole time, from when Jesus was baptized to when he ascended into heaven. That all makes sense, doesn’t it? It has to be a guy who knows Jesus, who knows what has been going on these past 3 years. It has to be someone who has seen Jesus, seen him preaching, teaching, performing miracles. This guy needs all of that to be able to do the second criteria: to be a witness alongside the other 11 apostles, to be a witness of Jesus’ resurrection. For that is what Jesus left his apostles and all the believers here to do. So after the two criteria are laid out, what do we hear? There are two guys who fit these two criteria.

So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias.” (v.23) This actually sounds a lot like a call meeting, doesn’t it? You have what you want the new pastor or teacher or staff minister to do, or what skills they should have, or what knowledge they should possess. You have your criteria for the new person. Then, for us, we go to our synod with our criteria and then they give us a list of people that can fit that description and fill that need. The 120 believers have their criteria and then they have 2 guys, who fit that criteria: Joseph and Matthias. Then much like a call meeting, the believers pray to God and say in v 24-25.

Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.” (v.24-25) In this prayer, we have that all important reminder when it comes to call meetings and a call to be a pastor or teacher or staff minister. It is that reminder that this call is from the Lord. The ministry: being a witness, being a pastor, teacher, or staff minister, is from the Lord. It is his church and he puts people into his church where and when he wants them. This prayer reminds us of that working together in the call: the 120 believers know what they want in an apostle, and the Lord will provide such a person. And in their case, the Lord provides in a unique way. The last verse for today, verse 26.

Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.” (v.26) This is not what we do in our call meetings today. So it might sound odd or strange to us. But this was a common thing, coming out of OT Jewish customs. The high priest had a special part of their clothing called the Urim and Thummim (Ex 28:30; Lev 8:8, Num 27:21). The Urim and Thummim were part of the priestly clothes that the high priest would wear. We don’t know exactly how it worked, but the high priest could ask a question of the Lord and then use the Urim and Thummim to get an answer from the Lord. So similarly, the 120 believers asked a question of the Lord, they used this casting lots to get an answer, and the lot settled on Matthias. He gets added to the apostles, and then promptly he fades from the pages of Scripture. We have such a detailed description of how he is added to the apostles, but then we never hear of him again. Why? Why Matthias? Why remember him? Why remember someone who has such a small role in Scripture? Why does Scripture spend so much time on him becoming an apostle, but not what he did as apostle? Why are we spending a whole sermon on him?

II. Maybe there are two things that I would like us to remember when it comes to remembering Matthias. The two things are two ways to answer that question: Why Matthias?

1. Why Matthias? We have in this one account, a call meeting. You have had plenty of call meetings. I do quite a bit of guest preaching and so have also been involved in plenty of call meetings, even leading some of them. And this one account from Scripture, reminds us that in those call meetings, the Lord is in control. He is the Creator of all things. It is his Church. We pastors, teachers, and staff ministers, he lets us serve in that Church. He places us where he wants us. When we get calls to other places in his Church, he is there also guiding and helping us. When someone gets a call, when I get a call, I always try to remember this advice that I got years ago now. “Don’t consider, if you leave, how will the place you currently serve get along without you. That is the Holy Spirit’s business. Don’t’ consider how the place to which you have been called, how can they possibly survive unless you take the call.  If you do not accept the call, the Holy Spirit will continue to take care of them. When you have a call, think as a steward. How can your talents best serve the Lord at the present time? Think kingdom, not congregation. Think only of how your talents can best be applied to the Lord’s work today.” So why Matthias today? Matthias is a reminder for our call meetings, present and future: the Lord is in control. The second answer.

2. Why Matthias? This second answer to why Matthias can apply to all of us. For such a question could be asked about us. Why us? Why were we chosen to be believers? Most of us won’t have accounts written down about how we came to faith. Unlike Peter or Paul, most of us won’t have books written about what we did as believers. Most of us will be closer to Matthias. Our Lord brings us to faith. We quietly live our life of faith without anyone noticing or maybe even caring … but God notices, God cares. We may not know what Matthias did as an apostle … people may never know what you do as a believer … but God knows. God sees. God is served by it. So why Matthias? Matthias is another reminder for all of us: to keep being a believer.

Today in Matthias we get the first reminder that our Lord is in control of the call: when and where his servants will serve him in his Church. Today in Matthias we also get this second reminder: we are Matthias. People may never know who we are or what we did as believers, and that is fine. We still keep doing that. We keep being believers. We keep being witnesses to our Lord’s resurrection, until he comes again, until we join Matthias and all the other believers, known and unknown, until we all join our Lord in his heavenly home. AMEN.

The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. AMEN.

New Year, Same Foe, but Same God

Author: Pastor Horton

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” – 1 Peter 5:8-11

I can’t imagine traveling in an open air jeep on a safari, only to watch as a lion springs out in a murderous ambush upon its prey.  Lions are powerful and ferocious, but they are also sneaky.  Laying in wait for the right time to pounce is a tactic that has worked well for them.  When they are meandering out in the open they are far easier to spot as we recognize them as a clear danger.  

Just like a lion, the devil finds sneaky ways to fool believers. Look at a few of the Bible examples we find where God’s children have been subjected to a sneak attack by Satan. Adam and Eve were told they could be like God, so they ate the fruit. They were wrong. David thought no one would find out about his sin with Bathsheba. Now everyone knows. Peter didn’t think anyone knew he denied     Jesus. Jesus did. Abraham thought God needed help to give him a son. God didn’t. Sarah secretly laughed when she heard she would have a baby. God was watching her. 

Satan is still with us today! He still roams the earth searching for God’s children who can be easily deceived. The danger to our soul remains real. A favorite scheme of his is to make us doubt the Bible, so he places all kinds of difficulties in front of us like: “How do you know the Bible is really God’s Word?” “God must be really mean to send people to hell.” “All those miracles must have a practical explanation.”  And the list goes on.

However God is also still with us today and has overcome the devil!  He helps us to be alert and of sober mind, resisting Satan and his attacks while standing firm in the faith.  How does he help us?  He gives us faith through the lion-proof defense of his Word.  There we hear of our salvation in Jesus, and of the close and caring relationship God has with you.  He is our protector and will see us home to heaven.

God even helps us recognize and flee from Satan’s dangerous traps. Call on the Lord to show you when Satan is trying to mislead you. Go to God’s Word every day to learn how to fight against Satan’s lies and to become stronger in God’s Word. Don’t become like the unsuspecting antelope that heads toward the pond for a drink and is unexpectedly devoured by the crafty lion. Be ready for Satan’s attacks. They will come, but God can help you stand up against them. And when you do fall, remember what the apostle Peter wrote about how a victorious God helps you back up and encourages you, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

Annual Meeting Devotional Recap

Author: Pastor Horton

Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:7-10 

What a difference a year makes!  As I write up this newsletter recap, one year ago to the day I was living in northern Michigan nervously preparing to propose to my now wife at a waterfall along the lakeshore.  What a year!  Christmas time and New Years so often gather us together with family.  We also gather as a church family where we once again rejoice over the Christ-child lying in a manger.  This time of year also gives us a chance to reflect and rejoice on the blessings now past, as well as look to the upcoming year of grace with our God. 

What a difference a year makes for Eastside Church & School!  We had an unusual amount of change when it came to our divinely called workers.  As we reflect, we thank God for the many gifts and friendships of those who left us, and say thank you to God for the new faces and abilities we now have at Eastside.  And a year from now?  If our Lord does not return in glory or call us home to heaven first, we could be blessed with even more inbound servants and we are excited to meet them and work alongside them in Jesus’ kingdom.  

There are also many things that do not change depending on the year.  Our God is one of them.  His gospel promises and his success rate in accomplishing his     promises do not change.  He continues, year in and year out, to give and to strengthen faith through his Means of Grace, coming to us and working in us through the Word and Sacrament.  His forgiveness remains real and personal in the Lord’s Supper.  His washing away sin and giving life remains real and personal in baptism – something we at Eastside have had the privilege to do this past year in abundance!

For all the change we have seen over this year, the need for servant ministry has not changed.  We have not gone into a barebones-ministry-mode during vacancy, but rather many of the members have looked for ways to contribute and help with kingdom work and special events.  Thanks to so many of you who regularly volunteer and help with the work while it is day.  Thank you for giving your time, talents, and treasures to the Lord.  Thank you for the prayers you offer up to the Great Shepherd as he cares for our flock here at Eastside.  Thank you for rejoicing in the opportunities to be in God’s house and in your moments in his Word at home.  It is encouraging to see that these things have not changed.

I don’t know what this next year holds for you and your family or for your church and school family.  I do know we have a God who promises and fulfills his Word without any change.  His will for us is always good and gracious.  We see that in Jesus, who promises to be with us and lead us to a heavenly home for an even greater family gathering than the ones we enjoy at this time of year.  Through the changing years, our God knows where we are at, what we are going through, and how best to help us.  Even if we reside on the shores of Lake Michigan or on the shores of Lakes Mendota or Monona, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”  Thank you, Lord Jesus!  And God bless your new year!

December 2024 Newsletter

Each December a question often arises as we turn our focus on the arrival of God’s promise of salvation in the birth of Jesus our Lord.

November Newsletter Article

Blessed be the Lord, who has not let us be prey for their teeth.  Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  – Psalm 124: 6 & 8


This October, we get to celebrate one of the most important events to happen in the world in the past 1000 years.


“I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing

August Newsletter Article

“Jesus told them a parable about the need to always pray and not lose heart.” -Luke 18:1

Once upon a time, a man failed again and again but he never gave up. 

July Newsletter Article

Have you ever received news that wasn’t good? None of us like to be on the receiving end of bad news.