Back-to-School Supply Drive

Eastside Lutheran is collecting back to school supplies and clothing for the children of our neighborhood school (Sandburg School, Madison, WI).

September Bible Studies!

Back to school means back to the Bible. Check out the upcoming Bible Studies at Eastside this September!

Gospel Unity Sermon Series 

Our world needs unity and the Gospel has the answer. This Sunday marks the beginning of an 8-week sermon series on the book of Ephesians entitled “Gospel Unity”.

Check Out Our New Accessibility Project!

Our Accessibility Project has begun! We are adding a lift in the church narthex to access…

Take a look at what our summer childcare is doing!

There are so many fun things happening here at Eastside’s summer childcare!  
Listen to what they have to say about this past week:  

June Jumble Days are Almost Here!

June Jumble Days are sneaking up fast!  The dates for this year’s sale are Friday and Saturday, June 8th and 9th.  For more information click on JUNE JUMBLE.

Ascension Service is Thursday, May 10th

Join us as we celebrate Jesus’s ascension into heaven following his crucifixion and resurrection. Eastside will be hosting this year’s combined Ascension Service on  May 10th, at 6:30pm.

Preschool Registration is Now OPEN!

Are you looking for a preschool?  Do you have a child who will be three by 9/1/18 ?  We would love for you to find your preschool home here at Eastside.

Bible Information Course starting May 20th

Members and Visitors! Would you like to learn more about what the Bible teaches? Do you want to brush up on the basic truths of God’s Word? Would you like to become a member of Eastside? 

Eastside Lutheran School and Preschool Receives Exemplary Accreditation

On April 8-10 the accreditation visitation team visited Eastside to validate the self study that was completed. The self study and visitation team look at fifteen areas: