Art and Craft Fair Update

This past weekend we held our third annual Arts and Craft Fair at Eastside. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who helped make this a big success!  Hundreds of people come through our doors! It was a great chance to meet local vendors, meet Christ’s people at Eastside, and get some unique items.

Update: Canvass Food Drive

I’d like to say a gigantic “Thank you!” to everyone in our church and community who helped out with our Canvass Food Drive! Whether you helped assemble the materials, hand out food bags, donated food, and/or helped us collect it all, your generosity glorifies God and will feed many local students and families in need! Thank you!

Thanksgiving for Kids!

This year our church is hosting Thanksgiving for Kids (just like our annual Easter for Kids).  We want to invite you to drop off your children for a Saturday morning full of fun while thanking Jesus for everything he has given us. We also invite you to have your child(ren) invite a friend to join them for this fun event!  Thanksgiving for Kids will be held on November 17, from 9am-12pm.

Guest Speaker for Sunday Bible Class in November

Join us as we welcome our guest speaker for Sunday Bible Class, Dave Niemi.  Mr. Niemi is a former WELS principal and now ethics trainer for Kwik Trip.  He will lead a two-week bible class on Nov. 11th and Nov. 18th at 9:15 am. The class is entitled “Serve Like Barnabas”. These sessions are intended to be hands-on, interactive Bible study of the Apostle Barnabas

Join us for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

What if you were following a plan for your money that you KNEW worked? With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you CAN take control of your money, get out of debt, and create a plan for your future. What if you could be debt-free with an emergency fund of 3–6 months of expenses saved, all while investing for retirement and planning for your family’s future?

Update: Baby Bottle Drive

A special thank you goes out to everyone who helped with our Baby Bottle Drive.  You gave your time and money to help a great cause.  We were able to collect 92 bottles

Power Hour: Friday at 9:00am!

Join us this Friday, October 12th, for Power Hour.  Power Hour isn’t preschool, and it isn’t childcare, its something different. Power Hour is a fun and easy way for you to enjoy activities with your children and meet other grown-ups. There will be age appropriate activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. 

Community Food Drive Canvass

On Saturday, October 20th, we will canvass our neighborhood distributing paper bags to be filled with non-perishable food items…

It is Power Hour Time!