Kindergarten Round-Up

Come and enjoy the experience of Kindergarten!

We Did It!

We are so excited to announce that WE HAVE REACHED OUR PLAYGROUND GOAL!!! After 3 years of hard work and generous families like you, we will be able to complete our new playground this spring! 

Come Check us Out!

Please join us for Eastside Lutheran School’s OPEN HOUSE!

“First Loved Fund” Mission of Helping Others

With the contributions of our congregation, Eastside Lutheran Church was able to help someone go from being homeless to living in an apartment.  Through your donation to the “First Loved Fund,”  we were able to pay a deposit on an apartment so a lady could have a roof over her head and be warm this holiday season. 

Sunday School Christmas Service

Come join us this Sunday as Pastor Berg teaches on “The Joy of Repentance” from the passage Luke 3:7-18. We will be blessed in our 10:30am service to hear the Christmas story from our Sunday School children.  Nothing is sweeter than seeing the children learn and demonstrate God’s Word. 

Children’s Christmas Service

You are invited to come hear are our Eastside students (grades 3K to 8th grade) put on this years Children’s Christmas Service on December 21st, at 10:00 am and 6:30 pm. 

Blankets for Kids of Wisconsin

Wrapping for Our Playground

Come show us your gift wrapping skills!!!

Cabella’s in Sun Prairie is offering free gift wrapping for the holidays of all gifts purchased in their store. 100% of all tips will come back to Eastside  and go towards our new playground fund.

Thanksgiving for Kids Recap

We had an amazing turnout for our First Annual Thanksgiving For Kids.  We had over 50 kids attend from grades 3K to 8th grade.  They had a great time learning why and how to be thankful to God for everything he has given us.

Advent and Christmas Services

It is hard to believe that Advent and Christmas season is upon us.  We welcome you to join us as we celebrate our Heavenly Father this season. Below is a  list of our up coming services.