25-26 School Registration

Giving Tree

This year the faculty decided that instead of doing classroom gift exchange among the children, we would do a giving tree to help others out.  We reached out and received 4 families in Dane County that needed help. We also decided to purchase items for the Ronald McDonald House and New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers. We put items that were needed on tags and hung them on a tree in the childcare lobby. Our families were very generous in providing for the three groups. The gifts for families were delivered December 9th. The gifts for the Ronald McDonald House and New Beginnings will be delivered over the Christmas break. The pictures are of some of our students from each grade with just a few of the gifts that were brought in.

Eagle Connection

A Door Opened by Grace: The WELS Mission to Vietnam

Our June Jumble Days raised over $7,000 this year, all of which will be given to the WELS mission in Vietnam. (I’d like to say another “Thank you!” to all the volunteers who made this possible!)