Rejection Is Not The Exception
It’s been a distinct joy as a father to see my children grow in faith. My son, Solomon, is almost 5 now and we’ve been having some good conversations about Jesus.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 278 entries already.
It’s been a distinct joy as a father to see my children grow in faith. My son, Solomon, is almost 5 now and we’ve been having some good conversations about Jesus.
Let’s play a word association game. What’s the first thing that pops into your head when I say: “Good Neighbor?”
When you stop to think about it, our sight tends to be the sense we trust the most. We use phrases like, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” or “I don’t believe what I just saw!”
British science fiction author Arthur Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Any time there is a big enough gap between what we observe with…
Whenever someone opens a gift, one of the first questions that must be answered is “What is it?” The anticipation of that answer is unmistakable, right? And usually, once the gift is opened, it’s pretty easy to answer the question.
Has it happened yet? Has Christmas fatigue already set in? Maybe not quite yet as Christmas is a week away. But we’re awfully close aren’t we? Do you feel those burdens starting to pile up?
If you didn’t already know the story and you just started reading at verse 57, you wouldn’t see anything unusual. It’s totally normal for neighbors and relatives to rejoice with a new mother at the birth of a child.
I’d like to start out this sermon with some material from the well known theologians: Calvin and Hobbs. In this strip, there’s the bully Moe who is always taking things away from Calvin.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of Moses in the Bible. Through God’s power he brought plagues upon Egypt, led God’s people out of slavery, parted the Red Sea, spoke with the Lord on Mt. Sinai, received the 10 commandments…
Is there any single event in our lives that we prepare for more on an annual basis as Christmas? If you stop and think about it, Christmas preparations begin before Thanksgiving.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704