“Baptism: It’s a Miracle!”
“Eleven seconds, you got ten seconds, the countdown going on right now. Five seconds left in the game!
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 288 entries already.
“Eleven seconds, you got ten seconds, the countdown going on right now. Five seconds left in the game!
What a difference a year makes! As I write up this newsletter recap, one year ago to the day I was living in northern Michigan nervously preparing to propose to my now wife at a waterfall along the lakeshore.
Passage: Hebrews 10:5-10 P Author: Pastor Horton Date: December 22, 2024 Christmas Cards. I’m willing to guess you have sent yours out by now and have had a few trickle into your mailbox at home. Some Christmas cards still have Christian imagery and a Bible verse – although those seem to be a bit more […]
This year the faculty decided that instead of doing classroom gift exchange among the children, we would do a giving tree to help others out. We reached out and received 4 families in Dane County that needed help. We also decided to purchase items for the Ronald McDonald House and New Beginnings – A Home […]
Do you have a favorite hymn? During Grandparents Day here at the school that question was asked and there were so many answers we could have had a second Grandparents Day just to sing through all the many favorite hymns.
Each December a question often arises as we turn our focus on the arrival of God’s promise of salvation in the birth of Jesus our Lord.
Blessed be the Lord, who has not let us be prey for their teeth. Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. – Psalm 124: 6 & 8
Six weeks. Six weeks say the experts of working out and you will at that point see physical “gains.”
This October, we get to celebrate one of the most important events to happen in the world in the past 1000 years.
For those of you parents or grandparents (or Godparents) of our school children, you know the scene well: somewhere around 7:45-8am on each school day as you approach the school doors pastor or one of the teachers are there to greet you every morning and give each child the Eastside welcome of a fist-bump.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704