Entries by Amanda Petersen

God Defines “Greatness”

You don’t usually see greatness with your own eyes, do you?  Now if you happened to watch the Olympics this past summer, perhaps you caught some of the gymnastics work of Simone Biles and were able to see greatness in your lifetime.


“I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing

O Lord, Open Our Eyes

“Ultimate Battle Simulator.”  Have you ever heard of that?  It’s a video game for your computer that allows you to line up various historical fighting forces against one another to see who would win. 

The Marvelous Message of the Messiah

I hope you’ve had a marvelous few days filled with good gatherings.  Whether it be this past week or weekend (or a combination of both), I hope you were able to make it home or get together with friends and family.