Easter & The Conclusion of Joy
As Christians we all know the company line, so to speak: Easter gives us joy. But it seems like there is a disconnect between our head and our heart when it comes to this in practice.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 283 entries already.
As Christians we all know the company line, so to speak: Easter gives us joy. But it seems like there is a disconnect between our head and our heart when it comes to this in practice.
We’ve reached the third quarter of our stewardship challenge–A God-Lived Life. And as we’ve said before, normally when you hear the word stewardship, you think of money.
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether something is intended as a compliment or as an insult. But I’m guessing that wasn’t the case if you have ever been referred to as a “sheep”.
What does the future hold? That question is on many minds this time of year as we celebrate confirmation, as high school and college graduations are around the corner.
As I read the book, I could see that my daughter was getting more and more uncomfortable. “Daddy, will the witch eat Hansel and Gretel!?” She asked. I said, “I don’t know, we will have to wait and find out.”
Can you picture that first Easter morning? Jesus’ followers were up early getting ready for the celebration. They set up tables outside the tomb and prepared food and wine.
Back in 1943, Norman Rockwell did a painting that was published in the Saturday Evening Post. The painting shows a father and mother tucking their two children in at bedtime.
Had we been in that situation, beaten and battered as Jesus was, we may have found the strength to utter some memorable words. They would have been words of power.
I was sorting through the mail the other day at home when I came across a letter covered in stickers. I called Willow over and when she came, I held it out and said, “This one is for you.”
We are pleased to announce that Jumble Days will return in 2022. Mark your Calanders for June 10th and 11th, 2022.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704