Entries by Amanda Petersen

Stop Worrying, Your Father Knows What You Need

A study was done on the frequency of Christian character traits taught in the New Testament. It probably won’t surprise you that love was number one, taught some fifty times. It may surprise you that a close second was humility with 40 instances.

No Prayer For Mercy Goes Unheard

It may be ambitious, but if you listen carefully, a study of our first reading today will answer a lot of burning questions that Christians have today. Questions like: How should we think about God’s wrath and judgment in the Bible?

“One Thing is Needed”

It’s amazing how fast things become useless, that we once thought absolutely necessary. For instance, I remember a doctor who said he’d have a pager on his hip until the day he died.

What to Expect from Your Pastor

I’m a huge believer in following the lectionary. To some of you this will come as no surprise. I’ve said it time and again. Perhaps some of you are wondering what in the world is “the lectionary.”

Christ’s Compassion Will Bless America

I’m guessing that at some point everyone in this room has either said or sung the words “God bless America.” In fact, it’d be interesting to have a count of the total number of times that short prayer will be spoken in the coming weeks as we approach the 4th of July.