A Door Opened by Grace: The WELS Mission to Vietnam
Our June Jumble Days raised over $7,000 this year, all of which will be given to the WELS mission in Vietnam. (I’d like to say another “Thank you!” to all the volunteers who made this possible!)
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 279 entries already.
Our June Jumble Days raised over $7,000 this year, all of which will be given to the WELS mission in Vietnam. (I’d like to say another “Thank you!” to all the volunteers who made this possible!)
I’m guessing that at some point everyone in this room has either said or sung the words “God bless America.” In fact, it’d be interesting to have a count of the total number of times that short prayer will be spoken in the coming weeks as we approach the 4th of July.
It’s the seventh petition of the Lord’s Prayer. We pray it nearly every week in worship. Perhaps you pray it daily in your own personal prayers: “Deliver us from evil.”
It’s the couple signing on the dotted line while buying their first home. It’s the person who jumps off the dock and yells “Cannon Ball!” just before they crash into the lake.
The most-read online article of the year 2016 was written by a man named Alain de Botton called, “Why you will marry the wrong person.” It’s a great piece that blows up a lot of common expectations about love and relationships.
I originally had planned on writing an article highlighting our stewardship focus of a life lived shrewdly for my article this month. But, with two mass shootings in the United States in less than two weeks and an upsurge of the usual less-prominent violence and the sadness of ongoing war in Ukraine, I felt the need to pivot.
As Christians we all know the company line, so to speak: Easter gives us joy. But it seems like there is a disconnect between our head and our heart when it comes to this in practice.
We’ve reached the third quarter of our stewardship challenge–A God-Lived Life. And as we’ve said before, normally when you hear the word stewardship, you think of money.
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether something is intended as a compliment or as an insult. But I’m guessing that wasn’t the case if you have ever been referred to as a “sheep”.
What does the future hold? That question is on many minds this time of year as we celebrate confirmation, as high school and college graduations are around the corner.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704