Come, Lord Jesus, as Judge!
What’s your favorite picture of Jesus? Jesus as a shepherd, holding a lamb? Jesus as a baby at Christmas?
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 279 entries already.
What’s your favorite picture of Jesus? Jesus as a shepherd, holding a lamb? Jesus as a baby at Christmas?
It’s amazing how the same word can mean different things depending on the context. Take the word “fire” for example. It can refer to a flame that emits heat and can burn.
The theme for our school year this year is “It’s all about Jesus.” Everything that we do in our school here at Eastside leads back to that truth.
The other day I found myself sitting second in line at a red light. And as soon as the light turned from red to green, I expected the car ahead of me to get going, but it didn’t move.
This summer, I had a bad experience with waiting. I was with my wife and three children in an airport.
The city of Thessalonica is booming. Right in the heart of the Roman Empire, the population has swelled to well over 200,000. The Egnatian Way, the main road that connects Rome to the Eastern part of her empire, serves as Main Street.
A study was conducted in 2021 looking at American belief in life after death. [Pew Research] The most interesting part of the results was that while fewer Americans go to church regularly, belief in an afterlife is actually growing!
When we celebrate the Lutheran Reformation we often speak of Scripture alone, Grace alone, and Faith alone—the Sola’s of the Lutheran Church—as the truths that Martin Luther rediscovered for the life of the Church.
“The days are coming, declares the LORD…” How does that make you feel? Perhaps you’ve heard similar words in your life?
A preparatory school dean of students was sitting in his office one day when an angry man came storming in. He was upset over something he’d seen in the local newspaper.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704