A Champion for the Defeated
Far too often, professional athletes will describe their sports in terms of a war or a battle. Let’s be honest, they are just games.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 279 entries already.
Far too often, professional athletes will describe their sports in terms of a war or a battle. Let’s be honest, they are just games.
In Old Testament times, God summoned his people to Jerusalem three times a year in pilgrimage.
“Easter never happened!” That’s what a college professor proclaimed to his class around Easter time one year.
Join us for worship during Lent on Sunday’s at 8am and 10:30am. Our series theme is Our Greatest Needs.
Join us for our Midweek Lenten Services on Wednesday’s starting Ash Wednesday, February 22, through March 29, at 3:30pm or 6:30 pm. Our series theme is Three Words of Truth.
How would you react if someone called you a “radical Christian”? Or how would you respond to someone who called Jesus a radical? If you’re anything like me then your first reaction is not positive.
Picture a world that’s covered in the deepest of darkness. The darkness covers everyone and everything. But it’s not physical darkness, but spiritual darkness.
I know that I’ve used this story many times before, but it bears repeating. A young man was just recently married and he offered to host his family’s annual Easter dinner
There’s a pair of artists out of London named Tim Noble and Sue Webster who make some very interesting sculptures. Let me show you.
Have you ever had a conversation similar to this one? On Monday, Mom says, “You know that your assignment is due next Monday.” Son says, “Mom, I know.”
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704