Proverbs Part 1: Introduction to Proverbs
The inspired book of Proverbs was written and compiled by King Solomon around 1000 B.C. The introduction states that the words contained are useful for gaining wisdom.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Amanda Petersen contributed 287 entries already.
The inspired book of Proverbs was written and compiled by King Solomon around 1000 B.C. The introduction states that the words contained are useful for gaining wisdom.
Erin grew up with two parents who seemed to get along quite fine, but unfortunately her mother would often use love in order to manipulate her. With this model of love, Erin grew to seek love by learning to behave in certain ways.
Where did our optimism go? A recent study shows that 58% of Americans believe that the coming generations will have a lower quality of life than we do now.
In the last words that Jesus spoke to the woman at Jacob’s well, Jesus declared himself to be God. “I, the one speaking to you, am he.”
Jesus was never one to just go with the crowd or follow what was culturally accepted. We see that multiple times as he spent time with the outcasts of society: the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the sinners.
“Have you heard the Call of the LORD? Have you figured out what God wants you to do with your life?
Now I know the overwhelming majority of you have no prayer in reading my first sentence. I can already hear some saying, “It’s all Greek to me.”
In John’s gospel, there are times when Jesus intentionally kept his identity hidden, at least initially. Think, for instance, about his long conversation with the woman at Jacob’s well in John 4.
Far too often, professional athletes will describe their sports in terms of a war or a battle. Let’s be honest, they are just games.
In Old Testament times, God summoned his people to Jerusalem three times a year in pilgrimage.
Eastside Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
2310 Independence Lane
Madison, WI 53704