Entries by Amanda Petersen

Midweek Lenten Worship

Join us for our Midweek Lenten Services on Wednesday’s starting Ash Wednesday, February 22, through March 29, at 3:30pm or 6:30 pm. Our series theme is Three Words of Truth.

Are You a Radical Christian?

How would you react if someone called you a “radical Christian”? Or how would you respond to someone who called Jesus a radical?  If you’re anything like me then your first reaction is not positive.

You Are…So Be!

Picture a world that’s covered in the deepest of darkness. The darkness covers everyone and everything. But it’s not physical darkness, but spiritual darkness.

Blessed ARE…

There’s a pair of artists out of London named Tim Noble and Sue Webster who make some very interesting sculptures. Let me show you.

We Know!

Have you ever had a conversation similar to this one? On Monday, Mom says, “You know that your assignment is due next Monday.” Son says, “Mom, I know.”