Entries by Amanda Petersen

Culture Shock

Jesus was never one to just go with the crowd or follow what was culturally accepted. We see that multiple times as he spent time with the outcasts of society: the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the sinners.

I Am He

In John’s gospel, there are times when Jesus intentionally kept his identity hidden, at least initially. Think, for instance, about his long conversation with the woman at Jacob’s well in John 4.

Midweek Lenten Worship

Join us for our Midweek Lenten Services on Wednesday’s starting Ash Wednesday, February 22, through March 29, at 3:30pm or 6:30 pm. Our series theme is Three Words of Truth.

Are You a Radical Christian?

How would you react if someone called you a “radical Christian”? Or how would you respond to someone who called Jesus a radical?  If you’re anything like me then your first reaction is not positive.