Entries by Amanda Petersen

Giving Tree

This year the faculty decided that instead of doing classroom gift exchange among the children, we would do a giving tree to help others out.  We reached out and received 4 families in Dane County that needed help. We also decided to purchase items for the Ronald McDonald House and New Beginnings – A Home […]

Rejoice! Our Lord Does

Do you have a favorite hymn?  During Grandparents Day here at the school that question was asked and there were so many answers we could have had a second Grandparents Day just to sing through all the many favorite hymns. 

Safety with our Savior

For those of you parents or grandparents (or Godparents) of our school children, you know the scene well: somewhere around 7:45-8am on each school day as you approach the school doors pastor or one of the teachers are there to greet you every morning and give each child the Eastside welcome of a fist-bump. 

God Defines “Greatness”

You don’t usually see greatness with your own eyes, do you?  Now if you happened to watch the Olympics this past summer, perhaps you caught some of the gymnastics work of Simone Biles and were able to see greatness in your lifetime.


“I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing