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By: Pastor Peter Schlicht
As you look toward the future, how do you feel? Are you restless for things to return to a semblance of normalcy? Are you pessimistic about upcoming weeks of election mania and colder weather? Perhaps you are uncertain what to feel like, because things are constantly changing. Or perhaps you are honestly afraid because you don’t know what life will throw at you next. The truth is that when we face the future, we are walking blind. We cannot see what is in front of us. And if you can’t see where you’re going, it’s natural to be apprehensive about each step.
But what if you turned around?
In the Old Testament, the ancient Hebrews had a unique orientation when it came to time. The Hebrew word we would usually translate as “before” or “ago” literally means “to the face”. It has the same meaning as our English word spatially (i.e. if something is physically before us, it is “to our face”), but temporally it reverses their orientation. You see they thought of the past, what had come before, as “to their face” and the future as behind them.* In other words, they were walking into the future facing backwards.
That makes a lot of sense to me. I’d rather walk backwards with my eyes open, then forwards with my eyes closed. Wouldn’t you? If you cannot see what is to come in the future, why not look at the past and focus on what has already happened? Can you see what I see?
I see utter darkness that explodes with light. I see life teeming in vivid color. I see breath breathed into clay and marked with the image of God. I see a fruit that is forbidden, eaten. I see sin infect and death follow. I see the world drown. But I see more. I see a promise, a father, a family, a nation set free. I see a kingdom, an exile, a hope restored. I see a virgin, a stable, a tiny baby boy. I see a prophet, a teacher, a miracle-worker. I see a crown, a cross, an empty tomb. I see tongues of flame. I see churches rise. I see children baptized. I see salvation. I see grace. I see forgiveness. I see…
What do you see when you face backwards? Can you trace the grace of God which has called you from eternity to be his own? Do you see how every path you walked on led you to him? Do you see that even in the worst parts of your life he was there sustaining and providing for you? Do you see the discipline that taught you wisdom? Do you see the well-worn tracks of forgiveness in which you still travel day by day? Do you see that God has always been faithful to you?
Don’t tremble at the prospect of the unknown. Turn around and remember what is always true: God has been faithful; he will be again. It’s the theme of the stories we’ve heard for so long and the theme of our own stories as well. Step out boldly into whatever may come next, knowing that God is with you. The Father who once knit you together in your mother’s womb still watches over you. The Savior who once died for you, still lives for you. The Spirit who once called you to faith, still strengthens you through Word and Sacrament. God has been faithful; he will be again. Walk into the future facing backwards.
*This is also evident in their words for “front”, qedem, which also means “ancient times” and their word for “future”, aharit, which can mean “posterior” or “latter parts”.