September Bible Studies
Check out our upcoming studies below!
Sunday Morning
Starting Sunday, September 9, at 9:15 a.m. in the fellowship hall, Pastor Schlicht will be leading a new study he wrote on Leviticus called “Wholehearted Holiness”.
Tuesday Morning
Starting Tuesday, September 4, at 9:30 a.m. in room 208, Pastor Schlicht will be leading a study called “A Christian Response to Blessings and Challenges” which speaks to faith-filled reactions to major life events and changes.
Tuesday Evening
Tuesday, August 21 at 6:30 p.m. in room 208, Deaconess Anne Heller will continue her study on the life of the Apostle Paul.
Wednesday Evening
Starting Wednesday, September 5, at 6:00 p.m. in room 208, Pastor Berg will be leading a new study he wrote on the kingdom of ancient Israel called “The Divided Kingdom.”
Friday Morning
Starting Friday, September 7, at 9:30 a.m. in room 208, Pastor Schmiege will be leading a study of Isaiah chapters 40-66 using The People’s Bible.
Bible Immersion Groups
Starting in September, Bible Immersion Groups, a small group style discussion-based study will kick off. These groups will read ⅙ of the Bible over the course of approximately 8 weeks. Contact Pastor Schlicht to find out more and get involved!
Study Spotlights:
Bible Immersion Groups: Many Christians have never read the whole Bible and for good reasons. It is long, often hard to understand, and on top of everything else in your life, who has time? But, frankly, it is too important and too full of blessings to keep on the shelf. The Bible is God’s Living Word, the Holy Spirit’s medium for injecting your soul with comfort, resolve, and vibrancy. Here at Eastside Lutheran, we want to be the type of Christians who actually know what the Bible says. That’s why we are starting Bible Immersion Groups.
Bible Immersion Groups (BIG) is a new small group study which will guide a participant through 1/6 of the Bible in just eight weeks! Starting in September and running through October of 2018, once a week, groups of 8-10 people will gather and simply talk about what they’ve read in honest conversation. This is a class anyone can participate in. There is no prior Bible knowledge needed. We hope to establish an ongoing culture of Bible reading at Eastside through a three-year rhythm. By reading with our BIG’s twice a year, you can read through the entire Scripture in just three years. Take the plunge and immerse yourself in God’s Word! For more information or to get involved contact Pastor Schlicht at
Leviticus – Wholehearted Holiness: On September 9th, Pastor Schlicht will begin leading a Bible Study on the book of Leviticus called “Wholehearted Holiness”. I know what you’re thinking…the Book of Leviticus?? Yes, Leviticus, the one you’ve been avoiding, the chronic roadblock in Bible reading, the one with all the weird stuff about sacrifices and bodily fluids, that book of Leviticus. It happens to be a favorite of Pastor Schlicht’s and he wants to show you why it is so foundational to the rest of the Bible and how it teaches us to be holy with our whole heart. This Bible Study will take place in between the services from 9:15-10:15 am for 8-10 weeks, depending on how the material is covered. We hope to see you there!
The Divided Kingdom: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”—Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Dickens’ famous quote describes the nation of Israel at the death of Solomon. The kingdom had never seen greater heights, had never enjoyed a time of such peace. But, the kingdom was on the brink of destruction. The leadership vacuum created by Solomon’s death led to a kingdom that would forever forward be divided. It’s during this time of the Divided Kingdom that God sent his prophets to lead his people to repentance. To understand the prophets, we must first understand the context in which they lived and worked. That’s the goal of this study. Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. starting September 5, in room 208 for an in-depth look at the history of God’s people during the Divided Kingdom. All materials will be provided. No previous Bible Study experience is necessary!